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000443_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Tue Jun 27 21:00:01 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 21:03:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Gross <jgross@netcom.com>
Subject: Win a Wavey!
To: lightwave@webcom.com
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Hi everyone.=20
Avid Media Group, in conjunction with NewTek, is conducting the first annua=
l Wavey awards for
excellence in LightWave use. There are a number of different categories in =
which to enter.
Enclosed below is information and a FAQ about the Waveys. The ceremonies wi=
ll be held in
LA during SIGGRAPH and looks to be quite fun. Hope to see you there!
John Gross
editor, LightWavePRO and stuff
1995 Wavey Awards
1) Logo Animations - Show us your best logo animation from an actual commer=
cial project or=20
make up one of your own.
2) Best Logo Still - OK, so you and your client only had enough money for a=
still? No problem.=20
Show us your best still logo shot.
3) Best Compositing - Using LightWave's powerful compositing features, crea=
te an animation
mixing 3D graphics and video.
4) Best Character Animation - Enter your best examples of character animati=
on to show off your
skills in giving objects lifelike movement.
5) Best Short Story - Three things make a great film: Story, Character and =
Technique. Show us
your best animated story.
5) Funniest LightWave Animation - Show us your most humorous use of LightWa=
ve 3D
6) Forensic and Legal Animations - Send us your best accident re-creations =
and legal forensic animation.
7) Best Use of LightWave in a TV Commercial - Send us your LightWave 3D ani=
mation used in
the promotion of a commercial product. It must have been broadcast on TV, c=
able satellite, etc.
Maximum length is 60 sec.)
8) Best Youth Animation - This award goes to the best overall animation sub=
mitted by an
animator 16 years of age and under as of July 21, 1995.
9) Best Organic Effects - Send in your best fire, smoke, water, explosions =
or other organic
effects in a LightWave 3D animation.
10) Instructional/Educational - Show us your best 3D animation for instruct=
ional or educational
Judges will select one winner from each of the above categories. Additional=
ly, one "Best of=20
Show" animation will be chosen from the eleven winners. Winners will receiv=
e the Wavey award=20
and valuable prizes donated by Video Toaster User advertisers!
No purchase necessary. Avid Media Group and NewTek employees, relatives or =
are not eligible to enter the contest. The primary animation program used f=
or submitting=20
animations must be LightWave 3D. All decisions of judges are final. Tape fo=
rmats must be either=20
Hi8, S-VHS or Betacam SP. Entries for each category must be on separate ta=
pes and clearly=20
marked. Tapes will not be returned unless accompanied by a postage-paid, se=
lf-addressed return=20
package. All entrants agree that, by entering, they release their entry mat=
erials and will, upon=20
request, provide a signed release in favor of Avid Media Group for all prom=
otional and editorial=20
use of these materials. Mail all entries Entry deadline is July 21, 1995. E=
ntries must have been=20
created after July 21, 1994.
Q: When is the deadline for entries?
A: Midnight, July 21, 1995
Q: Can anyone enter?
A: Yes any LightWave 3D user can enter, except NewTek or Avid Media Group e=
relatives, representatives or columnists.
Q: Where do I send my entry;
A: AMG, 273 N. Mathilda Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 ATTN.: WAVEY AWARDS
Q: How long can the Animations be?=20
A: Up to 3 to 5 min. in length except of the TV Commercial Cat.- max. of 60=
Q: What's the maximum number of tapes I can submit?
A: Enter as many times as you like with a separate tape for each entry.=20
Q: What tape formats can I submit?
A: Hi-8, SVHS and BetaCam SP. SASE for returning your entry.
Q: Who will be the Judges?
A: Award winning Animators and Industry professionals to be announced at t=
he ceremony.
Q: What prizes will be awarded?
A: Lots of valuable hardware and software including the exclusive Wavey Awa=
rd Trophy.=20
Additionally all entrants and the winners will be listed in an upcoming iss=
ue of VTU. The "Best of=20
Show" winner will be featured in an upcoming issue of the magazine as well.=
Q: Where and when is the FREE Wavey Award Ceremony?
A: Wed., Aug. 9th 7pm, Orpheum Theater, 842 S. Broadway, =BD mile from LA C=
onvention Center.=20
Reception and Ceremony. Users need not be present to win!=20
Q: If I am nominated will I be notified so I can attend?
A: Nominees will be notified by VTU ASAP after the July 21st deadline.
Q: What should my release say?
A: Nominees will be contacted to sign a release giving AMG permission to us=
e the nominated=20
animation for editorial and promotional purposes and a possible compilation=
John Gross <jgross@netcom.com> sent this message.
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